Wall Street is bankrolling the coal, oil and gas companies burning our planet. But we're going to stop them.

During the Summer of Heat, we're taking joyful, relentless nonviolent direct action to end fossil fuel financing. 

From the civil rights movement to ACT UP’s fight to save millions of lives during the AIDS epidemic, civil disobedience has played a critical role in successful social movements.

We’re going hard all summer long. Week after week. Month after month. We’re fighting for our lives and we won’t back down.

Join us in the streets

During the Summer of Heat are repeatedly shutting down the entrances to corporate headquarters of banks, insurers, private equity funds, and asset managers. We’ll push institutional clients to cut ties with financial institutions that fund fossil fuels. We’ll call out the cultural institutions, like the MoMA, that these Wall Street firms donate to in order to distract from their complicity in the climate crisis. We’ll visit the penthouses and vacation homes of elite decision makers who choose profit over our future. Anytime they book a speaking engagement we’ll be there to shame them and demand they stop funding fossil fuels.


Summer of Heat is a huge undertaking and we need as much help as possible! Join a workgroup or sign up for a volunteer role and we’ll follow up with you and get you plugged in.

NYC Field Team: Flyer and partake in other outreach events in the NYC metro area

Textbanker: Join a text bank - from anywhere in the world!

Phonebanker: Join a phone bank - follow-up with people who are interested in Summer of Heat

Jail Support Team: (experience strongly preferred!) While we do not intend to engage in activity that breaks the law or is expected to lead to arrests, we are preparing for police overreach. Join the team that supports people if they’ve been arrested, remind them of their court dates and be there to answer questions.

Legal Team: Are you an attorney and want to lend pro-bono/low-bono support? Let us know!

Medics: We are always seeking trained medics to be available to provide care at actions

Art: Have an artistic streak? Want to bring rad visuals to our movement? Let us know.

Sign Up for an Event

If you want to learn more about taking action before joining us in the streets then attend an upcoming mass action meeting. We also host regular legal briefings so you can learn about the legal consequences of nonviolent civil disobedience. You could also join an art build to help us craft beautiful materials for our actions. There are many ways to be involved with the Summer of Heat campaign!