Teach-In: Citi funds genocide

Monday, May 20th at 5:30 PM

Location: Citi HQ, 388 Greenwich St, New York, NY

Did you know that Citi is the largest foreign financial institution in Israel?

In 1999, Citi became the first foreign bank to set up shop in Israel — a move called “one of the most significant financial events in the history of Israel.” 25 years later, Citi is a financial backer of major Israeli corporations and “high net-worth” residents in the country.

Citi has facilitated the transfer of billions of dollars to defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, the manufacturer of F-35 fighter jets — the most “lethal” military aircraft in the world. A March 2023 report from U.S. Congressional Research Services found that Citibank was the leading financial institution behind the sale of F-35 jets to Israel. 

Citi also boasts about its investments in Israeli tech companies, including firms involved in surveilling Palestinians.

Since October 2023, Citi has financed a $500 million bond to Israel and billions of dollars in bonds to war profiteers Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

Join us for a teach-in at Citi's global headquarters to learn more about the bank's financing of genocide and occupation, and what we could do to step up and take action.